Author site of Walking the Boarderline!

01 Live podcasts

Coming soon to a podcast near you! Mental Health awareness, with poems and inspirational quotes. I plan on taking the mental health field by storm with new wasy of improving self awareness and by finding holistic approaches to healing for those with trauma and borderline personality disorder. Hear their stories and Hear get the inside look on what it’s like to have BPD. Hear from doctors and therapist on their personal and professional view on menatal health issues in America.

Coming soon!

02 Get the inside looks

Inside looks

Get all the ins and outs of walking the borderline. finally find the strength to heal from Fight, flight, freeze. find new meanings in life before the book even comes out.

03 Sounds of the soul.

Hear the sound of the souls of those who have bpd!

get a simplified list Of artist, who struggle with BPD, bipolar disorder, attention deficit disorder, along with other mental health difficulties. enjoy a sneak peek of the upcoming soundtrack to walking the borderline. Enjoy and relax while you anticipate the release and marketing of walking, the borderline. I am open to sound suggestions.

04 insider view

One-of-a-Kind Events

Discover an array of online courses and mini interviews via podcast and tiktok. Explore the brains of those with BPD And other individuals who are nerodivergent. I am very picky on the selection of the few that I do one on one interviews with. Especially when I do them via live podcasts. To qualify you for a live interview on your personal BPD journey you must be already in the middle of your healing journey. You are welcome to apply at the link below.

05 All the love and support!

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Thank you all of your endless support. If you’d like to know more or are interested in becoming a supporter and watching the community grow spiritualy and emotionally click below to become a supporter! ❤️ 10.99 a month.

06 Connection

Effortless Online Experience

Keep yourself connected by subscribing. I appreciate criticism as it helps me to grow. Stay in contact by clicking the button below and receive answers to personal questions, on BPD. Keep in mind high volumes of questions will be answered in an orderly manner. Excepext a response no later than 30-60 days. Know that once you subscribe you are now a supporter and are welcome to make suggestions and participate in events. 10.99

About the Author.

Thank you all!

About the author of “Walking the Borderline,” I understand that you are all very interested in learning about the individual who successfully utilized spiritual principles, psychological perspectives, and physical therapies to overcome the majority of the symptoms associated with BPD.

Well here I am at your disposal.

My name is Faith Stone, and I have ADHD, BPD, PTSD, anxiety, depression, and physical ailments. I thought I was beyond help. That would never be able to control or vent and or speak up for myself with out hurting myself. I was wrong until I met Christ. Through my experiences and journey, I discovered the power of spiritual healing and the transformative effect it can have on one’s mental and physical well-being. In “Walking the Borderline,” I share my personal story of how I integrated spiritual principles, psychological perspectives, and physical therapies to overcome the overwhelming symptoms associated with BPD. With the support of my faith and the guidance of Christ, I found the strength to control my emotions, express myself without self-harm, and ultimately reclaim my life. In this book, I aim to inspire and empower others who may feel hopeless, showing them that they have the power to reclaim that which was stolen from them by this disorder: peace.
Enough about what you already know. Let’s get to the dirty parts. Im 31: I know old right.
I live on the outside of Chicago in Illinois. It’s rougher than the potholes. As a teenager I was deffinetly rebelious, well I guess should say I always was.
I was held at gun point before I was even 4 years of age. You see our apartment had gotten broken in by one of the gangs in our area. Apparently my dad and uncle on my mom side saved a rival gang member so they planned on killing us. Luckily my mom’s x boyfriend was the leader. So we got off easy.
I was taken away from my parents and aced in the system. That broke me. Once I was able to read thanks to my speaceal ed teacher tracey bybee I started to write poetry. I made it in to the newspaper not once but twice. It really fueled my writing. While I was the black sheep in the family I was told most my life is never suceed as a writer. They also said I would never go to college. That filed a drive to prove them wrong. Of course I strayed and partied but now I know it’s time to share with the world all I have learned. I have spent 13 years in and out of mental hospitals reasearching my symptoms and found a way to heal.

You are not alone: Faith W Stone

Research has shown a significant correlation between BPD and a history of abuse and neglect during childhood. The early years of a person’s life shape their perception of safety, trust, and self-worth. Traumatic experiences during this critical period can disrupt healthy attachment, leading to emotional dysregulation and a distorted sense of identity. Jesus statement on do not harm a child Abuse, whether emotional, physical, or sexual, can erode an individual’s trust in others and themselves. It creates a state of constant hypervigilance, where one is always on guard, anticipating harm. The deep wounds left by abuse can manifest in symptoms such as intense fear of abandonment, difficulty forming stable relationships, and a fragile self-image. Jesus reminder we are not alone: Neglect, on the other hand, involves the absence of necessary care, emotional support, and guidance during a child’s formative years. Children who experience neglect may grow up feeling invisible, unworthy, and unlovable. This lack of emotional nourishment can contribute to the development of BPD symptoms, including chronic feelings of emptiness, fear of rejection, and a desperate need for validation. Love thy neighbor

  • Ahh there you are my vast readers!

    Jesus statements of who you are in Christ: Abuse and neglect during childhood can have a profound influence on the formation of identity and the ability to form healthy relationships. Individuals with BPD often struggle with a fragmented sense of self, experiencing a persistent feeling of emptiness and instability. This disconnection from one’s true identity can lead to impulsive behaviors, self-destructive tendencies, and an ongoing search for validation and acceptance. Additionally, the impact of abuse and neglect on relationships cannot be overlooked. The fear of abandonment, a hallmark of BPD, is deeply rooted in the trauma experienced during childhood. Those who have endured abuse or neglect may find it challenging to trust others, constantly questioning their intentions and fearing rejection. This can lead to intense and volatile relationships, characterized by a constant push-pull dynamic.

    People with BPD possess a profound intelligence that is closely intertwined with their emotional experiences. Their intelligence stems from a place of intense emotions, which can be both a blessing and a curse. The depths of their emotional struggles necessitate a level of self-reflection and self-awareness that goes far beyond what most individuals experience. Living with BPD means constantly grappling with overwhelming feelings that can be difficult to comprehend and manage. This constant battle fuels a relentless quest for understanding and insight. In their pursuit to make sense of their emotions, individuals with BPD develop an extraordinary capacity for introspection and self-analysis. They delve deep into the recesses of their minds, examining every thought, emotion, and behavior with an unparalleled intensity. Their emotional intelligence is unmatched as well. The rollercoaster of emotions they experience on a daily basis allows them to develop an acute sensitivity and empathy towards others. They possess an extraordinary ability to intuitively pick up on the subtle nuances of human emotions, enabling them to understand and connect with people on a profound level. This heightened emotional intelligence gives them a unique perspective and understanding of human nature that few can rival.

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